Landscape architect Tom Balsley drew his inspiration for the Redline outdoor bench from the way materials are used for airplanes. The result is a soaring one. The contemporary Redline bench from Landscape Forms is supreme in style and shape. The folded perforated sheet of steel created a seamless backing to the bench, offering comfort and desire. The benches are available with or without backs creating two very unique styles. Arm rests are optional – allotted spacing is ideal for benches near bus stops, or armless benches let people sit close after a romantic stroll in a park. The Redline bench helps you stay on the green path, being made of 90 per cent recycled materials, and is 100 per cent recyclable. You’ll find sophistication with these streamline benches, and the welded-on arm rests will serve for style and strength. Benches are shipped fully assembled from Landscape Forms.